Stay 7 Nights Pay 5
Hotel Special
Finding the perfect vacation property in Puerto Vallarta used to take weeks or months of searching and tedious, expensive phone calls. No more! With PVRPV's state-of-the-art, real-time, searchable database of the most desired and well appointed vacation rentals in the Puerto Vallarta area, they've made it possible for you to find and book your accommodations instantly.
- Lazaro Cardenas 205 Loc. 6
- Colonia Emiliano Zapata
- Puerto Vallarta
- Tel. 322 222-0628
12:00 am Every Day
until 30 September
Stay 7 Pay 5 - 25% Off
Available for AUTUMN from September 1 to 30
Zenith • Unit 405
Rates starting at $ 150.00 USD Per Night + taxes
Weekly rate: $ 750.00 USD + taxes
This immaculate one bedroom property is located in the great condominium complex of Zenith! Located in the heart of the Puerto Vallarta Romantic Zone.
The bedroom is located near the entry of the condo, away from the street, with a beautiful open view to the south including the jungle and mountains. It is a bright room with furnishings that have the feeling of a luxury hotel.
Book Here!