March on the International Day Against Homophobia

March on the International Day Against Homophobia

Puerto Vallarta's LGBT Gay Pride celebration.
   - Zona Romantica
   - Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco

March on the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.

Equality has not been fully achieved, today there are still almost 80 countries where homosexuality is criminalized, LGTBphobia still exists in our society, so we make this march to give visibility and fight for rights.

IDAHOT (International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia), aims to make public the lack of freedom of these groups, while pressuring world leaders to improve the rights of all these people, directing the focus to gays, lesbians, bisexuals, intersexuals and transsexuals, without forgetting the Third Sex or Genderqueer, those people who do not consider themselves women or men, in order to eradicate any discrimination against sexual diversity.

March on the International Day Against Homophobia